Is Ushuaia worth visiting? - Artículos de Ushuaia - Ushuaia-Info
USHUAIA-INFO noticias, sociedad y cultura de Ushuaia | Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Argentina | Lat: 54º 49' S | Lon: 68º 19' O |

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Is Ushuaia worth visiting?

Actually there are several reasons to visit Argentina and for nature lovers Ushuaia should top the list. The place is known as the end of the world although this remote place in the very end of Argentina in South America has many attractions including fantastic landscapes, with  glaciers, mountains, lakes and wildlife but also an old prison with many stories, an scenic train ride and a beautiful small city where you can taste awesome flavors.

Planning your visit to the End of the World you should aim to spend a minimum of three days. This allows you a day in the national park, a half-day cruise through the Beagle Channel -a memorable picture with the Les Eclairerus lighthouse is a must- and a day touring the city museum, restaurants and shops. 

In winter you may enjoy some winter sports or explore further afield with a 6 day stay.

Located at the southern tip of Argentina, Ushuaia has been labeled the "southernmost city in the world," though Puerto Williams, Chile has recently challenged that title. 

Although many consider Ushuaia to be the last frontier before Antarctica because Puerto Williams is actually a small town.

You can get to Ushuaia by plane flying from Buenos Aires or El Calafate. Do not miss it!

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